Free Audio Series

“Moving From Fear To Love”

Lively Discussions Between Ragini Michaels & CJ Liu
on The Fire It Up With CJ Radio Show

[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left” width=”364″]Watch this short video now for an enlightening angle of guidance coming directly from the psychology of the mystics[/text_block]
  • 6 Obstacles To Self-Love That Keep You Moving Toward Fear: Anger, Perfectionism, Jealousy & Envy, Greed, Guilt & Shame, & Fear
  • 7 Invitations To Self-Love That Move You Toward Its Possibility: Gratitude, Sympathetic Joy, Forgiveness, Generosity, Compassion, Faith, & Courage
  • Practical & Wise Guidance From The Mystics To Help You Better Navigate The Most Mundane Challenges Of Our Everyday Life

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