When you’re feeling sad, lonely, uncared for, abandoned, or any other number of unpleasant or debilitating states of mind, take a breath (as always) and shift your focus to what is “going right” in your world.

Layers of Wooden DollsIt’s the old adage of seeing the glass half empty or half full. It’s not an easy shift to make, but the effort pays off.  And, in reality, you are the only one who can make this shift happen.

Every time you make this switch in perception, you’ll more easily recognize the awesome beauty of your own life.  Embracing both experiences — emptiness, and fullness — allows you to see a new pattern, interwoven into the fabric of your journey.

As Hafiz, the 13th-century Sufi poet once said,

“If I were in the Tavern tonight,

I would buy freely for everyone in this world,

Because our marriage with the cruel beauty of time and space

Cannot endure very long.”

Don’t miss the beauty by focusing too long on the cruelty. Both are everywhere. How you perceive what arrives in your life can be up to you.

Give it a try. It’s within your power to uncover the beauty of life’s awe and wonder hidden just behind the oh-so-obvious harshness, unkindness, and loneliness of our daily world.

Much love,
